

Monday, December 26, 2011

Migraine Headaches

Migraine headache is a form of headaches caused by vascular disorders. Migraine headaches are caused by the occurrence of a combination of vasodilatation (widening of blood vessels) and the release of a chemical substance from the fibers - nerve fibers that surrounds the blood vessels. When migraine strikes, temporal artery (the artery that runs around the temple) will be widened. This widening will cause stretching of the nerve fibers around the arteries thus stimulating these nerve fibers to release chemicals. This substance will cause inflammation, and pain is incredible.

Migraine attacks commonly activate the sympathetic nerves. What is meant by the sympathetic nerves are nerves that become part of the human nervous system whose job is to control the body's response to stress and pain. Increased sympathetic nerve activity in the intestine will cause nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. Sympathetic activity also will lead to slow gastric emptying resulting in drug delivery to the small intestine to be absorbed also be hampered. Barriers to the absorption of the drug that became a problem for people with migraine when given the drug orally. Increased sympathetic activity will also reduce the blood flow so that the skin will appear pale and cold. Increased neural activity will also cause an increase in sensitivity to light and sound.
What are the symptoms of migraine?Migraine is a condition that is chronic and recurrent kumatan. Most migraine attacks are also accompanied by another headache. Migraine headache is often described as a severe headache, throbbing and attacking head on one side. Sometimes pain is felt in the forehead, around eyes and behind the head so obscure symptoms with another headache. Although most of the migraine attack on one side of the head, but often also found symptoms of migraine headaches on both sides of the head. Side of the head that migraine was often turns on every time the attack. Be careful if the affected side of the head is always the same, another possibility is the occurrence of a brain tumor. Patients with migraine often tormented in performing daily activities, especially when the attack occurred. Other symptoms that accompany migraine, among others, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, facial pallor, cold hands feet, and patients will be sensitive to light and sound. Due to the increased sensitivity to light and noise so migraineurs should lie in a quiet and dark room. Migraine attacks usually will subside within 4 to 72 hours.

About 40% -60% of the migraine attack will be preceded by the so-called preliminary symptoms. These symptoms include a sleep disorder, anxiety, fatigue, depression, desire to eat sweet and salty foods. These early symptoms usually can be understood by the family of the patient as a preliminary symptom prior to the occurrence of migraine attacks.
About 20% of migraine attacks would be accompanied by aura. Normally this would appear aura precedes the headache, but not the emergence of a few others along with headaches. Aura most often arise are 1) the emergence of colored light that flashes to form a zigzag pattern that emerged from the middle of the field of vision which in turn leads to the outside. 2) A hole (scotoma) in the field of view, which is often also called blind spots. Some people who have very frequent migraine, will only feel the emergence of aura without headache. Aura - the aura of others, feeling like a needle stuck on the hands and around the mouth, hallucinations, voices, and sense of taste / smell is reduced.
Complications of migraine is usually accompanied by neurological disorders. The affected body part will describe the parts of the nervous disorders of the brain that is responsible for the emergence of migraine. Approximately 24 hours after a migraine attack, patients will feel exhausted and still feel a mild headache in degrees.
How to diagnose a migraine?Migraine headaches are usually diagnosed based on symptoms as discussed previously. Symptoms of migraine patients have started to be felt since childhood childhood continues into adulthood. Migraines are emerging at the age above 50 years, can be thought of as a disorder other that requires more careful examination. In some cases found no association between migraine with hereditary factors.
Patients with complaints of headache is remarkable for the first time, accompanied by neurological disorders such as impaired hearing and vision, then the patient is necessary investigations such as complete blood tests, CT scans and spinal fluid analysis.
How to treat a migraine?Treatment of migraine done in two ways without drugs and with drugs.
Treatment of migraine without medication.Without drug treatment is usually done to relieve the symptoms of migraine and for prevention. Relaxation is believed to prevent the onset of a migraine attack when performed during the preliminary symptoms. If possible, sleep is the most efficacious drugs. To prevent the onset of migraine, the patient can be motivated to change the pattern of life which has been suspected to trigger the onset of migraine. This includes stopping smoking, avoiding foods that contain lots of tyramine such as cheese, also avoid foods that contain high nitrates such as nuts. In addition it should immediately do what's called a healthy lifestyle such as eating nutritious foods, drinking enough, enough sleep and regular exercise.
Migraine treatment with the drug.Patients with migraine that when the attack occurred did not significantly affect daily activities given enough pain medication (analgesic) are sold in stalls stalls. However, the use of these drugs should always pay attention to the rules of use contained in the packs of the drug in order to prevent undesirable things.
There are two classes of analgesic drugs commonly used is Acetaminophen (paracetamol) and NSAIDs or Non-steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs. NSAIDs are divided into two types, namely non-aspirin and aspirin. Belonging to the class of non-aspirin NSAIDs include ibuprofen and naproxen. Some types of NSAIDs can be obtained by using a doctor's prescription. In addition to migraine, NSAIDs are also used to treat arthritis, inflammation of the tendons and others.
Acetaminophen or paracetamol work in pain centers of the brain to reduce pain and fever. Acetaminophen has very minimal side effects, especially in the stomach when compared with NSAIDs. However, when used recklessly and exceed the recommended dose, acetaminophen can cause liver damage the rather heavy. In patients who like to drink alcohol, acetaminophen can cause liver damage even if administered at low doses. In conclusion, always read the rules of use of drugs listed on the label to prevent poisoning or drug overdose.
NSAIDs reduce pain by treating an inflammatory reaction that causes pain. These are called non-steroidal drugs because it is different from steroids, although both have the same effect of preventing the occurrence of inflammatory reactions. Medicinal drugs that belong to the class of steroids (corticosteroids) is not used because it has a much less side effects when used in a long time. These side effects are not found on NSAIDs.
To treat headaches, some doctors use a combination of aspirin, acetaminophen, and caffeine. All three of these drugs have a synergistic effect to relieve headache symptoms.
In order to get the right drugs, doctors sometimes perform what is called a process of trial and error. This is caused by the highly varied individual responses to the type of drug administered. Many factors influence this response, I will discuss later in another article.
Some things to consider in providing analgesic:

To treat headaches in children and adolescents, avoid aspirin because it feared could happen Reye's syndrome, a neurological disorder in the form of decreased consciousness which can cause death.
Avoid giving aspirin to patients with balance disorders and other disorders of the ear, because aspirin can worsen the situation.
Patients who are undergoing treatment with blood thinning drugs like warfarin, is not recommended to consume NSAIDs without a doctor's supervision because these patients have a risk of bleeding.
NSAIDs also should not be administered to patients with symptoms of heartburn or upset stomach because NSAIDs would exacerbate keadaanya.
Avoid giving NSAIDs in patients with liver disease because NSAIDs would also disrupt kidney function. If impaired renal function it will increase the liver damage that occurs.
What is the remedy for a severe migraine?When treatment with analgesic medications drugs above fails then it can be concluded that patients suffering from a severe migraine. Treatment of severe migraine can not just rely on the use of analgesics, should be the treatment of the things that be the cause of migraine such as improving the function of the temporal artery. Several drugs that belong to this group is tripans and ergotamine.
Are there other drugs to treat migraine?Some doctors are using narcotic and psychotropic drugs to treat migraine, but the treatment is not recommended to be done routinely for causing side effects such as dependency. This treatment is used when the use of anti-migraine drugs such as those discussed in the previous section did not work as expected. The use of these drugs are strictly prohibited in patients who are pregnant and patients who are at risk of heart disease and stroke.
How to prevent migraine headaches?There are two ways to prevent migraine headaches: 1. Avoid trigger the onset of migraine. 2. Provide drug prevention before the onset of headache. None of this means a true 100% effective, but more or less will be able to reduce the frequency of migraine.
What triggers a migraine?Migraine trigger factors are factors that individually can trigger the occurrence of migraine. Unfortunately only some of the migraine sufferers who can identify trigger factors of migraine. Some examples are migraine trigger factors, stress, sleep disturbances, fasting, hormonal, and very bright flashing light, fragrant incense, smoking, alcohol, stale cheese, chocolate, flavoring dishes, asaman acid, artificial sweeteners, and caffeine. In women, decreased levels of the hormone estrogen in the menstrual blood can also be a migraine trigger factors. Time span between the entry of trigger factor to the onset of migraine symptoms is between contemporaneous to two daily.
Sleep and migraineMechanisms of sleep disorders like sleep too long, lack of sleep, often waking at midnight, very closely related to migraine and tension headaches, so the improvement of the mechanism of this sleep will greatly help to reduce the frequency of migraine. A good sleep also been reported to shorten the duration of a migraine attack.
Fasting and migraineFasting can trigger the occurrence of migraine during fasting because the release of a hormone associated with stress and decrease blood sugar levels. This causes migraine sufferers are not recommended to fast for long periods of time.
Bright lights and migraineThe light is too bright and the intensity of visual stimulation that is too high will cause headaches in normal humans. This mechanism also applies for migraine sufferers who have a higher light sensitivity than a normal human. Sunlight, television and disco lights were reported as light sources to be a migraine trigger factors.
Caffeine and migraineCaffeine is contained in many food products such as soft drinks, tea, chocolate, and coffee. Caffeine in small amounts will increase alertness and energy, but when taken in high doses will cause sleep disturbance, irritability, anxiety and headaches.
Chocolate, wine, tyramine, MSG, aspartame and migrainesChocolate is reported as one of the causes of migraines, but this is disputed by several other studies that say there is no relationship between chocolate and migraine headaches. Red wine is believed to be a migraine trigger, but there is no sufficient evidence to say that white wine can also cause migraines. Tyramine (chemical found in cheese, wine, beer, sausages, and pickles) can trigger the occurrence of migraine, but there is no evidence of tyramine when consumed in small quantities will reduce the frequency of migraine attacks. Reported food flavoring or MSG can cause headaches, facial flushing, sweating and pounding pounding if consumed in large quantities on an empty stomach. This phenomenon is commonly called Chinese restaurant syndrome. Aspartame or artificial sweeteners that are often found in diet drinks and snacks, can trigger a migraine when eaten in large numbers and long periods of time.
Female hormones and migraineSome women who suffer from migraines experience will increase the frequency of attacks during the menstrual period. In fact there are only felt them at the time of menstrual migraine attacks. The term 'menstrual migraine' is often used to describe migraines that occur in women during the two days before menstruation and daily thereafter. Decreased levels of estrogen in the blood into the occurrence of migraine culprit.
What should migraine sufferers do?Individuals who suffer from mild and infrequent migraine recurrence is quite common analgesic drug taking. While individuals who experience frequent severe migraine and response to drugs is also low then the individual should avoid trigger factors of migrennya and establish itself to changing lifestyles.
Lifestyle changes for migraine sufferers include:

Go to bed and waking up at the same time every day.
Regular exercise. Make a commitment to always exercise good while relaxing or while busy working in the office. Exercise can improve sleep quality and decrease the frequency of migraine. Perform a gradual increase in exercise. The sport is too hard so tired body will actually trigger migraine headaches.
Do not put off eating and avoid long fasting.
Reduce stress with relaxation techniques.
Limit consumption of caffeine.
Avoid bright lights and flashes. Use sunglasses while flying under the sun.


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