

Monday, December 26, 2011

Breast cancer

Breast cancer is cancer that occurs in breast tissue. This type of cancer usually occurs in women. Although the adam also be affected, but very unlikely. Treatment for Breast Cancer this is by surgery. Followed by chemotherapy or radiation.
Symptoms, characteristics, and signs of Breast Cancer
Clinical symptoms of the common occurrence of breast cancer occurs is as follows:

Small bumps on payudara.Benjolan is usually not painful and size, small. But after a long time enlarged and attached to the skin and cause discoloration of the nipple or breast.
Eczema or erosion on puting.Selanjutya, attracted into the skin or nipple (retraction), the color pink or brownish edema until it becomes a cause to be like an orange peel, wrinkle and become ulcers. Enlarged and deep ulcers can be damaging to the breast. Foul and bloody. Other characteristics are the occurrence of bleeding of the nipple. Pain / pain when the tumor is large and ulcers arise. Then there is enlargement of the axillary lymph nodes, occurred pembekakan in the arm. Then the cancer spread to the rest tubuh.Kanker advanced breast is very easily identified. Namely the existence of the breast skin is quite broad, and there are satellite nodules. The edema of the arm, metastases distant, skin ulceration, skin edema, skin fixed. Presence of axillary lymph nodes.

    Nipple discharge or a discharge cairan.Gejala ktiga is unnatural discharge and spontaneous than the so-called white or nipple discharge. Why is this fluid is said is not normal, not least because the normal fluid just came out on pregnant women, nursing or taking pills kontrasepsi.Ciri this fluid, watery bloody fluid, red or brown, out alone without massaged. Exit by continuously in one breast. For those of you who have these traits must be vigilant and see a doctor immediately to prevent the cancer getting worse.
Causes of Breast Cancer
Not yet known exactly what causes breast cancer. Namunterdapat many factors that are thought to affect the occurrence of breast cancer. That is:Risk factors:

Nuliparitas reproduksi.Terjadinya factors, menarche in young women, menopause and first pregnancy in women aged older.
The use of hormones. Harvard School of Public Health reported that there were users of estrogen replacement therapy have increased the occurrence of breast cancer.
Having fibrocystic disease.
Obesity or overweight.
Consumption of fat.
Ionizing radiation that occurs during or after puberty may increase the risk of breast cancer.
Genetic factors:
In addition to the above factors of breast cancer can also be caused by genetics or heredity. Namely the existence of mutations in several genes that may trigger the occurrence of breast cancer. Which genes are oncogenes and tumor suppression genes that are. Among them are genes BRCA2 and BRCA1.Prevention of breast cancer

Primary prevention. Health promotion is healthy. Namely through efforts to avoid the above risk factors as well as a healthy lifestyle. Included is also a breast examination sendiei aka BSE.
Secondary prevention performed on women who have breast cancer risk. That is by early detection via screening with mammography is claimed to have 90% accurate. Screening applies to women aged 40 years or older, women who must reconcile screening every year and normal women should refer to screening once every 2 years until the age of 50 years.
Tertiary prevention performed on women who tested positive breast cancer. It is important to improve the quality of life and prevent complications of the disease. It could be surgery, chemotherapy sitostatika. At a certain stage only a symptomatic and alternative medicine.
Treatment of breast cancer.Cancer treatment

Mastectomy or breast removal surgery. Both the total removal of the breast and underarm benjolak, pengankatan breast only or partial removal of the section contained only cancer.
Radiation is the process of irradiation with X rays and gamma rays in the affected cancer. This serves to kill any remaining cancer cells after surgery.
Chemotherapy is the provision of anti-cancer drugs. Both the drug in pill form liquid / capsules or intravenously to kill cancer cells.


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